Comment Section Escapee

This blog came about initially when the conservative online news outlet The Dispatch moved from Substack and left a few of us commenters feeling lost. Substack had a wonderful commenting system we’d grown used to. So this was one user’s attempt to provide an interim alternative. Over the weeks and months, it grew into a cozy community that—as Josh in comments said—practices radical decency. We don’t all agree, but we would rather get along than fall out over our political differences.

From that initial inspiration, the ambition became mainly to keep an almost daily schedule of posts serving as a commenter gathering place. One rule for this blog was to keep the posts beyond the emotional appeals of the latest news regarding politics. Another objective was to keep the content short. For this reader, at least, there is more interesting content available online than can be read as a leisure activity. This reader would prefer more brevity.

MarqueG1968’s Bio

As Douglas Adams said of his protagonist Arthur Dent: I’m just some guy, you know? My bio is a jumble of detritus, and what I write is a reflection of my idiosyncratic interests as a generalist, what they call in German a “Lebenskünstler”. I’ve always been an anonymous person in comment sections, and that’s the identity that I’m most comfortable with. But my philosophy has always been that online anonymity is perfectly fine, so long as you don’t use it as a hiding place from which to be rude and abusive towards others. In my experience, it is a minority of anonymous online users who give anonymity a bad name—often by making comment sections unbearable for anyone.

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